Control directives

The language supports multiple control directives which are explained here including examples.

If directive

As with all programming languages, you can control your template with if statements. These work as you expect it to from other languages.

The syntax for a If directive is:

::if variable is condition;


Any boolean expression can be used inside the if-statement

For range directive

The for range directive is a directive that allows you to iterate over a range of integers.

The syntax for a for range is:

::for var i in 1..10;
  // Your code here

In this case i is a variable and 1..10 is a range that you can define yourself. This can be a range from any positive number to a higher positive number.

Foreach directive

The foreach directive is similar to how a foreach in C# works. It iterates over a variable which contains multiple items.

The basic syntax for a foreach is:

::foreach var item in collection;
    // Your code here

Where collection can be any variable which contains multiple items

The class predefined collection

The class keyword is a keyword in the templating engine that contains all classes in your current assembly. This can be used as something to iterate over in the templating engine:

::foreach var classRef in class;
  // Your code for each class

The where clause

The where clause can be added to filter your foreach before it reaching the templating engine. This performs better and reduces nesting of your file. This is equivalent to adding a if directly after the foreach.

An example of such where clause looks like this:

Note how the syntax of the where is a boolean expression just like the if-statement. Anything that an if-statement supports is also supported in a where clause.

::foreach var classRef in class
    where classRef is partial;
    // Your code her

Filename directive

The filename directive can be utilized to modify the output of the source generator. By default, the source generator emits a <fileName>.g.cs file, where fileName is the same name (without path) of the .cstempl file.

If you want to modify the name you can use the ::filename directive to modify the output.

The directive can also be utilized in the middle of your template. As soon as the parser encounters a ::filename directive, the output that was generated thus far is emitted to the previous file name.

Using this directive is merely controlling the output for debugging purposes. If your IDE supports viewing source generation output, you can easily identify mistakes in your template.

For example, giving that your assembly has two classes called A and B, then the following template generated the output below.

::foreach var classRef in class;
    ::filename classRef;
    using System;

    namespace SourceGenerators;

    public class HelloFrom::classRef:: 
        public static void HelloFromTemplates()
            Console.WriteLine("::classRef:: was generated in a template!");


// file A.g.cs
using System;

namespace SourceGenerators;

public class HelloFromA
    public static void HelloFromTemplates()
        Console.WriteLine("A was generated in a template!");

// file B.g.cs
using System;

namespace SourceGenerators;

public class HelloFromB
    public static void HelloFromTemplates()
        Console.WriteLine("B was generated in a template!");