Boolean operations

The is keyword is used to determine a comparison should happen (equivalent to the == in C#).

Currently one side of the is must be a variable and the other side must be one of the Predefined keywords.

Multiple boolean operations can be combined with the not, or and and keywords performing their boolean expression logic as its name suggests.

*Brackets are currently not supported, the normal precedence of boolean operations is respected

Available keywords

Keyword Filtering
is partial Checks if the current variable has a C# partial keyword (can only return true for class)
is [access modifier] Uses any C# access modifier (private / public / protected / internal) and checks if the current variable is defined in that scope
is readonly Checks if the current variable has a C# readonly keyword.
has_attribute "AttributeName" Checks if the current variable has the attribute with the name defined between the double quotes.
Note that this is a comparison on string level.