First template

After installing the nuget package you can start by creating your first template. To do this, create a .cstempl file. For instance: test.cstempl.

Make sure to add this file to your project as an AdditonalFile. This tells the .NET compiler to pick up C# files which are not automatically picked up. This can be done in most IDE's by right-clicking on the file, selecting Properties, and then select AdditionalFiles under the Build actions section.

Your .csproj should now contain the following XML

        <None Remove="GenerateBuilders.cstempl"/>
        <AdditionalFiles Include="GenerateBuilders.cstempl"/>

Creating the first template

Add the following contents to your file as a test to see if it works:

namespace SourceGeneratorOutput;

public class HelloWorld
    public void SayHelloThreeTimes()
        ::for var i in 1..3;
        Console.WriteLine("Hello ::i::");

From your project, you should now be able to invoke HelloWorld.SayHelloTenTimes() which should print:

Hello 1
Hello 2
Hello 3

Next steps!

You've successfully installed SourceGenTemplates and written your first template!

A good next step is to familiarize yourself with the language constructs available in the templating engine.

If you prefer to see some samples then head for the Samples section instead!